Research group on transformations in audiovisual media and their Implications for political, cultural, and social development (TRAMA) (2021 SGR 01624)
Research group-TRAMA
Research group on transformations in audiovisual media and their implications for political, cultural, and social development (TRAMA) (2021 SGR 01624)
The group’s objective is to research audiovisual media, their structure, regulation, content, discourses, and reception as agents of political, cultural, and social development. To achieve this, two main lines of research are developed:
Analysis of Cultural and Natural Heritage Communication
Examination of how heritage is promoted in audiovisual media (internet, television, radio, cinema, video games), focusing on discourses, content, and audience impact.
The group acts as a laboratory for developing new communication strategies in heritage promotion and dissemination.
Analysis of the Impact of Media System Transformations on the Political and Social Environment
Special focus on challenges related to freedom of expression and the right to information.
This research area examines the role of media as agents of political, social, and cultural development, particularly in two key periods:
The late Francoist era and the transition to democracy.
The current cycle of changes following the crisis of democratic consensus in Europe.
This research line is subdivided into:
Analysis of restrictions on freedom of expression and information and their implications for the media during the transition to democracy.
Examination of new challenges regarding freedom of expression and the right to information, as well as the social, political, and cultural impact of a transforming communication system.
Additional Research Lines
The group's researchers also work on other significant areas, including:
- Media and gender studies.
- Transmedia storytelling.
- Non-fiction cinema.
- Cultures, identities, and media.
- Social and cultural history of mass media.
- Audiovisual theory and analysis.
- Relationships between literature and audiovisual media, with a particular focus on Catalan literature.