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Carlota Benet
Carlota Benet

Carlota Benet

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Es va llicenciar en Filologia catalana a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona el 2003 i el 2016 es va doctorar en Literatura Catalana a la mateixa universitat amb la tesi “La imatge dels Estats Units en la literatura catalana contemporània”. Des del 2012 és professora del programa Study Abroad de la UAB i des del 2016 és professora associada dins del departament de Comunicació de la Universitat de Lleida. Va fer de lectora de català a Brown University als Estats Units (2007-2011) i a la University of Richmond (2011-2012).

Margarida Carnicé

Margarida Carnicé-

Lecturer at the Faculty of Arts at the University of Lleida (UdL) and researcher in audiovisual media and gender perspective. She is currently the principal investigator of the project “MaterScreen. Motherhoods on Screen: Representation of the Reproductive Process in Contemporary Spanish Fiction" PID2022-137338OA-I00 (2023–2026). She holds a PhD in Communication from UPF and has taught courses on communication, media, and film studies at the School of Cinema and Audiovisuals of Catalonia (ESCAC), the University of Barcelona, and Pompeu Fabra University. She collaborates with national and international research groups such as TRAMA (UdL), DHIGECS (UB), and CUC (UniRoma 3) and has been a visiting professor at the Università degli Studi di Roma Tre (Italy). Her work has been published in Profesional de la Información, Estudios Sobre el Mensaje Periodístico, European Journal of Women Studies, and Atalante. Revista de Estudios Cinematográficos, and she has participated in several R&D projects on audiovisual media and gender perspective.

Albert Casas Peleato

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Albert Casas Peleato
Albert Casas Peleato

Estudiant de doctorat. Graduat en Història de l’Art per la Universitat de Barcelona (2016) amb un Màster en Cinematografia per la Universidad de Córdoba (2018). Ha treballat en l’àmbit del turisme i la museografia en l’Espai Cultural dels Canals d’Urgell (Mollerussa) i el CaixaForum de Lleida. Actualment està cursant el Doctorat en Territori, Patrimoni i Cultura de la Universitat de Lleida, focalitzant la seva recerca en les implicacions representatives i narratives de la il·luminació, l’espai i la posada en escena en l’àmbit fílmic, tant del cinema convencional com del cinema d’animació.

Adrià Cluet-Vall

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Adrià Cluet-Vall
Adrià Cluet-Vall

Becari predoctoral. Graduat en Comunicació i Periodisme Audiovisual a la Universitat de Lleida l'any 2017 i Màster en Història Contemporània a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona l'any 2019. Actualment és doctorand a la Universitat de Lleida amb una tesi doctoral titulada "Cinema quinqui en anys de transició: context, recepció i conseqüències. Becario predoctoral. Graduado en Comunicación y Periodismo Audiovisual en la Universidad de Lleida en 2017 y Máster en Historia Contemporánea en la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona en 2019. Actualmente es doctorando en la Universidad de Lleida con una tesis doctoral titulada "Cine quinqui en años de transición: contexto, recepción y consecuencias.

Joana Isabel F. Duarte

Joana Isabel. F Duarte
Joana Isabel F. Duarte

Joana Isabel Duarte holds a PhD in Heritage Studies (Universidade do Porto) and in Territory, Heritage and Culture (University of Lleida) with the doctoral thesis ‘Film culture, cinefilias and other creative acts of substitution in the History of Cinema in Portugal (1948-1971)’. She is a researcher at the Transdisciplinary Research Centre ‘Culture, Space and Memory’ (CITCEM-UP) and conducts research on film, image and heritage studies. She has been a research fellow at the Cinemateca Portuguesa and has done internships at the Filmoteca de Castilla y León and the Biblioteca Municipal do Porto.

Lorena Farràs Pérez

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Lorena Farràs Pérez
Lorena Farràs Pérez

Estudiant de doctorat. És llicenciada en Periodisme; màster en Comunicació Científica, Mèdica i Ambiental; i màster en direcció i administració d’empreses (MBA). Col·labora al diari La Vanguardia, on compta amb una secció setmanal sobre startups i una altra sobre economia verda (turisme sostenible, patrimoni natural, energies renovables, economia circular…). S’ocupa de la comunicació dels Festivals de Senderisme dels Pirineus i és la responsable de comunicació de Forestal Catalana, una empresa pública de la Generalitat de Catalunya. Col·labora també a les revistes Horitzons i Garona-Nogueres, entre altres publicacions. És autora dels llibres Exteriores ecológicos (Ed. Promopress), Mur al Descobert (Bresca Editorial) i Cuits pel Clima (Bresca Editorial).

Ana Aitana Fernández-Moreno

Ana Aitana Fernández-Moreno
Ana Aitana Fernández-Moreno

Lecturer at the University of Lleida. She holds a PhD in Communication with an extraordinary award from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra with the thesis ‘La cicatriz de la ausencia. Un atlas íntimo de la memoria fílmica desde la imagen-objeto’ and Master in Contemporary Film and Audiovisual Studies at the same institution. Her lines of research focus on the exploration of personal archives in contemporary documentary, film genres and the iconography of power in the audiovisual media. During her pre-doctoral period she was a visiting researcher at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She has participated in several collective books and scientific publications, as well as in many international conferences. She has combined her academic and teaching career with cinema dissemination through specialised media and was producer and scriptwriter of the documentary ‘Pasaia Bitartean’ (Irati Gorostidi, 2016) screened at the SEFF, Márgenes and other cultural institutions such as the Anthology Film Archives, the Virreina Image Centre and the Reina Sofía Museum.

Antonieta Jarne-Mòdol

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Antonieta Jarne
Antonieta Jarne-Mòdol

Doctora en Història per la Universitat de Lleida. Especialitzada en la història social de la dictadura franquista i la transició postfranquista ha prestat especial atenció a qüestions relacionades amb la violència política, el gènere i la vida quotidiana. Ha publicat nombrosos llibres i articles fruit dels seus treballs de recerca entre els quals destaca la biografia de la primera regidora a la Paeria Aurèlia Pijoan: de la Lleida republicana a l’exili de Mèxic (2010) i la coautoria en la Història de Lleida volum 8 i el Diccionari biogràfic de les terres de Lleida: Política, economia, cultura i societat.

Arturo Lozano-Aguilar

Arturo Lozano Aguilar
Arturo Lozano-Aguilar

Lecturer in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism at the Universitat de Lleida. He holds a PhD in Audiovisual Communication from the Universitat de València. He was editor-in-chief of Archivos de la Filmoteca, a magazine published by the Instituto Valenciano de Cultura of which he was the editorial secretary for 15 years. He has been a professor at the Universitat Jaume I of Castelló and at the Université Paris-Sorbonne. His work has focused on the audiovisual representation of concentration camps and the Holocaust. He was coordinator of La memoria de los campos. El cine y los campos de concentración nazis (Ediciones de la Mirada, 1999), author of La lista de Schindler (Paidós, 2001), as well as articles on this subject. In 2018 he published C. Lanzmann's Victims and Executioners in Shoah. Genealogy and analysis of a state of Holocaust memory, Valencia, Publications of the Universitat de València. 

Andrea Meza-Navarro

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Andrea Meza-Navarro
Andrea Meza-Navarro

Dissenyadora en Comunicació Visual per la Universitat Tecnológica Metropolitana (2007) i Màster en Estudios de la Imagen per la Universitat Alberto Hurtado (2015). En Xile ha treballat com a professora en les escoles de disseny del Instituto Profesional Duoc UC (2010 fins a desembre de 2017) i de la Universitat Tecnológica Metropolitana (entre 2016 i desembre de 2017). Va a obtenir una beca d’estudis de doctorat en el estranger del programa Becas Chile i actualment és alumna del Doctorat en Territori, Patrimoni i Cultura de la Universitat de Lleida. Els seus temes de recerca se centren en l’anàlisi del cinema, la construcció dels imaginaris geogràfics i les relacions entre text i imatge.

Jorge Nieto-Ferrando

Jorge Nieto-Ferrando
Jorge Nieto-Ferrando

Georgina Plana-Espinet

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Gina Plana Espinet va obtenir el seu títol de Comunicació Audiovisual a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona l’any 2008. Posteriorment va cursar dues llicenciatures més a la mateixa universitat: Humanitats (2009) i Estudis de l’Àsia Oriental (2012). Va completar la seva formació amb una titulació de segon cicle amb el Màster en Qualitat i Innovació Televisives l’any 2009 a la Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Finalment, va obtenir el títol de doctora en Continguts de Comunicació en l’Era Digital en 2015. El 2010 va rebre una beca predoctoral FPI del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades per a la realització de la tesi doctoral. Els seus primers treballs  de recerca es van centrar en el documental televisiu i en l’exploració de temes de representació i identitat, on va contribuir amb la seva tesi doctoral “Nueve dragones en pantalla: imágenes de China en el documental británico” (2015). Destaquen les seves contribucions també en l’àmbit de la inserció publicitària en televisió, amb la participació en 2 projectes de recerca finançats: “Innovaciones programáticas y de inserción publicitaria en la TDT” (2010-2012) i “Telerrealidad: Nuevas Estrategias de Integración Publicitaria en la TDT Generalista Europea” (2013-2014). Compta, a més, amb una dilatada experiència com a docent, tant a la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (on acumula ja més de 10 anys d’experiència) i a la Fundació Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme (Centre adscrit a la UPF). Durant els últims 10 anys ha treballat també com a muntadora de programes culturals per a televisió i exerceix actualment de cap de postproducció del programa Punt De No Retorn, guardonat el 2024 amb l'Emmy Internacional a millor sèrie de format curt.

Albert Plans-Soriano

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Miquel Pueyo-Paris

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Metzeri Sánchez-Meza

metzeri sánchez-meza
Metzeri Sánchez-Meza

She holds a Bachelor's degree in Sociology from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM-X, Mexico). She completed a Master's degree in Social Communication and a Ph.D. in Communication at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). Currently, she is a professor in the Bachelor's program in Communication and Audiovisual Journalism at the University of Lleida (UdL). She has worked at the National Institute for Women and the Ministry of Public Education in Mexico, integrating perspectives on gender equality, human rights, and the eradication of gender-based violence into public administration and the education sector. Additionally, she has collaborated with various civil society organizations. She has served as the coordinator of the Ideograma-UPF Chair in Political Communication and Democracy and is the curator of exhibitions specializing in the analysis of women's roles in historical advertising for the company La Retrografía. Her main research areas include gender studies, media and feminisms, gender-based violence and femicide, as well as advertising and gender.

Marwan Shammout

Marwan Shammout
Marwan Shammout

He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in Territory, Heritage, and Culture at the University of Lleida (2024 – present). He obtained a Master's degree in Tourism Site Management and Development from the Hashemite University of Jordan (2023) and a Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature from Al-Bayt University in Jordan (2020). In Jordan, he worked as an English teacher for United Nations Refugee Organizations (2020–2021) and as a teacher at the Ministry of Education (2021–2023). Additionally, he served as a doctoral assistant and research assistant at The Hashemite University (2020–2023). From 2023 to 2024, he worked as an executive assistant director in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He participated in an international research collaboration with the University of Oxford in 2023. His research interests focus on sustainable tourism, heritage conservation, and tourism site development.

Teresa Serés-Seuma

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Llicenciada en Filologia Catalana i Comunicació Audiovisual, i Doctora per la Universitat de Lleida. És professora associada del Grau de Periodisme i Comunicació Audiovisual de la Universitat de Lleida. Les seves línies d’estudi giren al voltant de temàtiques com l’humor i la representació de la identitat.

Christiane Simen

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Ramon Sistac-Vicen

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Joana Soto Merola

Joana Soto Merola

Joana Soto Merola holds degrees in Audiovisual Communication (UAB) and Social and Cultural Anthropology (UB). She also holds a Master's in Anthropology and Ethnography (UB) and a cum laude PhD from the University of Lleida (UdL). Currently, she is a lecturer in the Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism and Audiovisual Communication at UdL, where she teaches courses in both English and Catalan. Her teaching experience spans over 15 years, during which she has taught subjects related to media history, cultural industries, audiovisual narrative, and social movements at various Catalan universities (UdL, UB, and UdG). In the field of research, she is a member of the GRUP-TRAMA group (Transformations in Audiovisual Media and their Implications for Political, Cultural, and Social Development) and was previously part of the GECIEC group. Her scientific output includes 24 academic articles and ten book chapters published in high-impact journals and indexed publishers. Her main research lines focus on the representation of identities in media and cultural industries, with a particular emphasis on youth, immigration, motherhood, and social control. With a consolidated academic career, she has participated in over thirty national and international conferences and has organized numerous research and knowledge dissemination activities. She has also completed a research stay at Gazi Üniversitesi (Turkey), where she worked on nationalism, feminism, and media studies. She speaks five languages fluently and publishes in Catalan, Spanish, English, and occasionally Portuguese. At a professional level, she has worked as a journalist and as a publisher.

Guillem Suau-Gomila

Guillem Suau Gomila
Guillem Suau-Gomila

He holds a Bachelor's degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), a Master's degree in Social Communication from Pompeu Fabra University (UPF), and a Ph.D. in Communication from the same institution. Suau-Gomila's doctoral research was recognized with an award for Research in Audiovisual Communication at the XXXII edition of the Catalan Audiovisual Council (CAC) Awards. He is an assistant professor and academic coordinator of the Bachelor's program in Audiovisual Communication and Journalism at the University of Lleida (UdL). He also teaches in the Master's program in Political and Institutional Communication at Pompeu Fabra University - Barcelona School of Management (UPF-BSM) and in the Master's program in Public Leadership at the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP). Additionally, he is the principal investigator of the project "Hate on Social Media: The Agora of Misogyny. Analysis of Anti-Feminist Discourses and Media and Institutional Coverage of These Issues on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram" (ICI019/22/000015), funded by the International Catalan Institute for Peace (ICIP).

Jordi Suïls-Subirà

Jordi Suïls-Subirà

Torres-Purroy, Helena

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Rafael Ventura-Álvarez

Rafael Ventura
Rafael Ventura-Álvarez

Lecturer at the University of Lleida. He holds a PhD in Communication from Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) and a degree in Advertising and Public Relations from Jaume I University (UJI). He has completed an International Master's in Peace, Conflict, and Development Studies (UJI); a Master's in Social Communication (UPF); and a Postgraduate Degree in Intercultural Relations (UJI). His doctoral research led him to be a visiting researcher at universities in the USA, Colombia, and the UK, funded by the National Pre-doctoral Training Program (FPI-MINECO). His thesis, titled "LGBT/Queer Media Studies: Contributions for its Consolidation as a Field of Study," received the "Extraordinary Doctorate Award" and was awarded by the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia. His research focuses on the representation and reception of LGBTIQ+ in the media, with a special emphasis on television fiction. He has participated in over 30 international conferences and has published in more than 10 internationally recognized journals.

Mariona Visa-Barbosa

Mariona Visa Barbosa
Mariona Visa-Barbosa

Associate Professor at the University of Lleida in the Department of Philology and Communication. She holds a PhD in Social Communication. Her research focuses on the representation of identities in media and digital platforms, with a particular emphasis on the social construction of motherhood. Throughout her academic career, she has published numerous articles in national and international journals indexed in the first and second quartiles according to JCR and Scopus, as well as in other journals, and has participated in various national and international conferences. She is the author or editor of the research books Madres en red (2014), L’àlbum fotogràfic familiar. Un relat socialitzat de la pròpia vida (2013), Padres y madres en serie (2015), and La representación de la maternidad en la ficción contemporánea(2020). Her H-index is 11.. She has served as principal investigator of the INDEST project "Motherhood in Contemporary Fiction" and has contributed to other competitive research projects in the field of communication. Currently, she is the principal investigator of the project Motherhood on Screen: Representation of the Reproductive Process in Contemporary Spanish Fiction (MaterScreen)(PID2022-137338OA-I00), funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN) under the 2022 Knowledge Generation Projects call.